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Dadicated to I would like to donate to Supporting a particular patientLeukaemia PatientsCancer PatientsPatients in ICUHeart PatientsPatients who are counting timeEclampsia PatientsElderly PatientsMedical EquipmentsAir ConditionersMedical BedsWashing Plants / Washing MachineRenovation of toiletsMedical CurtainsSupporting the Gynae word and the new born babiesDry Food for the starving.University students needing financial assistanceHome for the HomelessSmall Scale Business for Elderly PeopleFunding in developing Nursing SkillsHelpless Non-SeekersFestival Gifts for the downtroddenMonthly living expenses for the ElderlyInvesting in Psychiatry WardCounselling of PatientsMedicine for Sunshine free Friday clinic Donation Amount